Educational Therapy
Providing quality education for students with special learning needs

Oasis provides educational therapy for certain qualified students with special learning needs. The therapy is based on NILD techniques, and extra fees are charged for this supplemental program. For parents of children who struggle to learn, finding effective intervention can be a challenge. The National Institute for Learning Development (NILD) is an organization dedicated to helping educators meet the needs of students who struggle to learn. NILD educational therapy connects parents and educators in a dynamic process of equipping students with tools to build a successful life.
Our Programs
Educational therapy differs from tutoring in that cognitive and perceptual weaknesses are strengthened to support independent learning. It is an intervention that first determines a student’s patterns of strengths and weaknesses and then provides intense instruction in a one-to-one setting to remediate the identified educational weaknesses. NILD educational therapy emphasizes the development of basic academic skills such as reading, spelling, written expression, and mathematics. These skills are developed so that the student can achieve grade-level academic proficiency.
Traditional NILD educational therapy is intended for students in grades 2-12 and is adapted to appropriate instructional levels for each student. Other NILD programs offered at Oasis include the following:​
“Search & Teach” is an early intervention program for K5 and grade 1 students designed to meet the educational needs of young learners before they experience the frustration of learning failure.
The “Rx for Discovery Reading” program has been developed as a small group intervention to improve decoding and reading comprehension skills for emerging readers in grades 2-3.
"Rx for Math” is a program based on the “Mediating Math” materials and workbook produced by NILD. It is recommended for students in grades 3-5 who are struggling with arithmetic skills and math reasoning. Students can work individually or in small groups.
For more information on NILD, please visit their website at www.nild.org.