Our tuition fee and support options
On this page, you will find all the essential information regarding our tuition fees and payment options. Whether you're considering enrollment or seeking clarification on payment methods, our tuition page is designed to address your concerns. Discover the investment in your child's education and explore the possibilities that await at Oasis International School.

Capital Fee
(Annual, non-refundable fee designed to assist in covering facility operation and maintenance)
USD $2,000 ($2,200 w/ KDV) – annual fee per student of new families (paid after acceptance)
USD $1,000 ($1,100 w/ KDV) – annual fee per student of returning families
ELD Type

Tuition (2025-2026)
PreK - Kindergarten (age 4&5)
USD $20,000 ($22,000 w/ KDV)​​
Grades 1 - 4
USD $24,000 ($26,400 w/ KDV)​​
Grades 5 - 12
USD $26,000 ($28,600 w/ KDV)​​
The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) for Oasis International School is provided to help those families who have a genuine need for monetary aid in order for their children to attend. It should be understood that the school's resources for such financial assistance are limited and that the primary responsibility for the payment of school fees lies with the family. This application form is meant to help the school review the needs of the applicants and provide assistance.

Due Dates
Capital Fee – July 31, 2025
(10% discount if paid by June 30, 2025)
Tuition – Q1: Aug 29, Q2: Oct 28,
Q3: Jan 22, Q4: Apr 3
*For students enrolling in the middle of the school year, both capital fee and initial quarterly payment must be paid before the first day of school.

Take Note:
An invoice, along with the payment instructions, will be sent via email once the student is accepted.
We are required to collect 10% tax (KDV) which we remit to the Tax Office. Families with KDV exemptions are required to provide a KDV exemption card/letter issued by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Preference for next year's enrollment is given to 1) current families, 2) families who have been accepted and paid the Capital Fee, and 3) available space in a given grade level.
If you choose to withdraw early, a refund will be made for the quarters a student has not attended.

Learning Support Fees
(These fees are added only for students who are enrolled in Learning Support Programs)
ELD (English Language Development): USD $1,500 ($1,650 w/KDV)
Learning Support Type 1 (Single Subject): USD $1,000 ($1,100 w/KDV)
Learning Support Type 2 (Multiple Subjects): USD $2,000 ($2,200 w/KDV)
Learning Support Type 3 (RX Therapy): USD $2,000 ($2,200 w/KDV)
Learning Support Type 4 (NILD Therapy): USD $4,000 ($4,400 w/KDV)
The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) for Oasis International School is provided to help those families who have a genuine need for monetary aid in order for their children to attend. It should be understood that the school's resources for such financial assistance are limited and that the primary responsibility for the payment of school fees lies with the family. This application form is meant to help the school review the needs of the applicants and provide assistance.

Please send payments to:
GARANTI BANK (BaÅŸkent Ticari Åžube 1603):
USD Hesap No. 9093164
IBAN TR80 0006 2001 6030 0009 0931 64
TL Hesap No. 6294061
IBAN TR57 0006 2001 6030 0006 2940 61
For questions about finances please contact:
Jim Woo, Business Manager
Email: jimwoo@oisankara.net